Went to this Jaben Shop at adelphi (opposite Funan IT Mall) to shop for some earphone. My Creative Aurvana In-Ear is starting to break apart again, and enough is enough.
Jaben is a great shop, as we can actually try on the earpiece and use your mp3 player to test. This prove to be extremely vital as I have tried alot of earphones and feel that it isn't good enough for me. Even the mighty imba SE530 fail to impress me lol. This really proves that choosing an earpiece is really subjective.
Finally settled on the ultimate ears SF5, which is really clear and sharp. Let's see how this monster perform after a few week of use haha...
I will give a review then.
I have always remembered the moment we met on the first day. You wearing that big white PE t-shirt. I remembered you following me around, especially during the cca fair. I initially felt quite irritating, but you won't have joined guitar with me if you didn't follow me right? I must admit I am rather fortunate to have you in guitar, to accompany this lonely and sarcastic guy rain or shine, happy or sian. No doubt, you are a bright spark in guitar and our class. Not to mention your talent in music, being able to learn the instrument in double quick time. I have thoroughly enjoyed your company in guitar.
I have see you growing in endurance and perseverance throughout the year. Your amazing feat at the Will Run is simply 'inspirational'. I have seen you mug like crazy in jc2, and I have always wondered where you get such energy and mental strength to do that. You are the smiling Buddha, always smiling despite difficulties and stress (there is always that sian face... but never an angry face haha). Although you rarely speak more than 2 sentences, you are more of a man of action than works. No doubt you are the man who care for others and give unlimited support to friends.
I must say we have spent quite sometime together, sometime just the 2 of us having conversation or enjoying each other's company. I will miss you, and I will never forget such a great friend.
Rest well...

top, Aurvana Air, bottom, Aurvana Ice
With the launch for Aurvana Air near for the US, I am really excited about the quality of the new earphones. I personally owned a Aurvana In-ear, and it is below expectation. The sound isn't very strong, and the wires always disconnect/tear after long period of use. Not at all justified for its price.
The Air/Ice on the other hand have received good reviews by netizen from China. God knows how they got the earphones from online auction site even before official launch (most probably taken from some factory in China).

read that right, 12.1 MP !!
This is really a damn good reason to dump your camera and mp3 player.
All the best Sony Ericsson!