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Guitar CCA yesterday...

Category: By ytz
What a change from last year. I really begin to feel like I am in an ensemble now. We now have...
  • Our own file to put our scores in (looooong over due, it could have prevented many many 'lost' scores incident)
  • a more 'proper' ensemble practice
  • sectionals
  • a good instructor who knows what he is doing....
...And i became the sectional leader for section 1 (.....woohoo!...). Although I honestly do not know what to do as a leader, well, I will have to start somewhere don't I. The instructor taught us how to play with more rhythmic sense by clapping the notes. My piano teachers all used to do that, and it is usually quite effective. That's why I have this feelin that the instructor really knows what he is doing.

I feel that this guitar ensemble is going to have a good year ahead.

1 comment so far.

  1. ytz February 16, 2008 at 11:05 PM

Something to say?